Sunday, February 04, 2007


Naples Beach in Waldport Getting Attention

Our local newspaper in Eugene has noticed the onset of Naples Beach in Waldport on the Oregon Coast. They forecast that it will double the size of this seaside town. Those of you who follow my blogs will have learned this before.

Mark Campbell, who owns Crestview Hills Golf Course and is involved in Naples Beach, told me that the number of housing units for which they are getting permits may be more than they end up with. That's the same thing I heard from the developer of Villages at Cascade head in Lincoln City. I don't know much about land use planning, but it seems that people go through the process for the largest conceivable number of units and then actually develop less.

As usual, there was the local resistance. One gentleman was quoted as saying that his property taxes had gone up 83% in 12 years and if it got to bad, he'd just move on. Well, 83% in 12 years is mostly accounted for by inflation, but if he wants too go, then "Sayonara." I hope he isn't planning to move somewhere else in Oregon with low property taxes and no sales tax.

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