Friday, February 02, 2007


Another Mile by Mile Guide in the Works

I'll be on the road later this morning, taking a truck up to Newport with the last copies of last year's Oregon Coast Magazine guide to Highway 101. OCVA needs them to mail out.

We could have distributed more. The print order is going to 341,000 for the next run, which will be available in a month. That's up by 50,000 from the previous run and 111,000 from two years ago. People just can't get enough of them, it seems.

It's all due to my wife and not me. I occasionally help out with some writing and I try to sell a few ads. I drive up and down the Oregon Coast looking for new things on Highway 101 to mention. But she does the real work. I don't think people on the coast appreciate how much she does on their behalf. Good job, Alicia!

341,000! That's a whole lotta coast going on dude.

Nice credit to your wonderful wife!
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